Selasa, 03 Januari 2012


By: Dr. Marsigit, MA

Kesimpulan Bacaan
Oleh: Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027

Kita ketahui bersama bahwa matematikan itu sangat penting bagi kehidupan kita. Matematika memberi jalan serta melatih diri kita untuk berpikir kritis terhadap berbagai permasalahan. Dalam artikel yang Bapak tulis, saya terkesan dengan judulnya, bahwa pemikiran tentang matematika  dapat mengatasi keberagaman budaya yang ada. Sejalan dengan pendapat saya, bahwa matematika itu berguna dalam berbagai bidang, dan dalam hal ini matematika khususnya di bidang budaya dunia.


By: Dr. Marsigit, MA
Kesimpulan Bacaan
Oleh: Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027
Mengajarkan siswa sekolah dasar dan menengah terkait masalah matematika itu sangat penting. Disamping mereka sedang berada di jenjang yang paling dasar dalam pendidikan, mengajarkan matematika itu merupakan dasar dasar dari semua mata pelajaran yang lain. Matematika sangat bermanfaat dalam kehidupan mereka. Matematika juga akan meningkatkan kreativifas serta aktivitas mereka dalam belajar.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


Oleh: Dr, Marsigit, MA.

Kesimpulan Bacaan
Oleh: Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027

Mathematics is a lesson which train our brain to thinking with logic. Therefore, the mathematics lesson began to be taught in elementary school. Many who think that mathematics is hard, mathematics is difficult, and another reason. The problem of mathematics lesson in school is many teachers who can’t encourage their students. So, many students still consider that mathematics is difficult. The student need some motivations in study. So the main role of the teacher is to give encouragement to students so that they are still willing to learn.

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Looking For Alternative in Reference to Japanese Educational Experiences

By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Kesimpulan Bacaan
Oleh: Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027

Melihat perbandingan negara Jepang dan Indonesia memang terkesan jauh dalam segala bidang, termasuk pula bidang pendidikan. Indonesia perlu belajar banyak tentang pendidikan di Jepang. Menurut saya mencari sumber referensi di Jepang untuk mengambil pengalaman dari pendidikan yang di ajarkan di Jepang tidaklah salah, terlebih lagi Jepang merupakan salah satu negara maju yang sistem pendidikannya bisa contoh untuk diterapkan di Indonesia agar pendidikan di Indonesia bisa berkembang.


Written By: Dr. Marsigit, MA

Concluding Remark
By: Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027

To improve the quality of teaching in Indonesia, teachers are very active role in the creation of a quality education. because science is mostly coming from a teacher. If students become proficient, the quality of education in Indonesia to be developed. It could happen because of the efforts of teachers. To it according to my research activity is needed by teachers in Indonesia. Because from there the creation of a good quality of teaching and also created all the professionalism of teachers.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

“Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP”

by Dr. Marsigit, MA

Concluding remark
By Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027

Geometry is one of the materials in mathematics that calculates about a space or area. In geometry we also draw up the form or model of flat and 3D. With Ms Word 2007, then it is easy to draw the shape. In addition to facilitate the learning process, Ms Word 2007 also makes the students who become interested in learning geometry. For learning mathematics with computers is still rare in schools. Therefore teachers must also have the capability of computers for learning in Indonesia to develop. With the development of teacher quality, the quality of students will also develop. Than that then the quality of education in Indonesia will also be developed.

Persoalan Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah

By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Concluding Remark:
By Rian Anggara Putra / 10305141027

Most of the teachers in Indonesia are still applying the traditional system in the learning process, so it is less satisfactory in its accomplishment. There are methods that can be applied to overcome them, for example method of exposition, discussion, method of training and administration tasks, method of discovery , the method of problem solving
Method mentioned above aims to improve learning achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, develop visual aids and encourage cooperation. Although in reality, not a few teachers who are still experiencing difficulties and obstacles to make it happen. In addition, the necessary cooperation between teachers, principals, government and university educational institutions in developing the quality of education in Indonesia.